Goblin Town Warriors!


I've painted a unit of Goblin Town warriors! 

I batch painted all 18 models in one go- I've painted some 5/6 models batches at a time in the past, but I generally hate batch painting and never really got the hang of it. Painting 18 models at once was horrid, but still totally worth it once they were done!

They still need another coat of matt varnish, before I can add the grass tufts (which will hide a multiple of sins on these paint jobs!)

I aimed for these being 'finished', over being 'perfect' or 'detailed'. This meant skipping over things like eyes, the bandages on their feet etc. I will probably add some further details like another colour/wash to the ropes on the crude weapons when there 2+ units to do at once (It didn't feel like it was worth the extra time doing just 1-2 models at a time). I do have more models than I do time for this project!

I've recently switched to mostly painting with cheap €0.30 craft brushes, as I can paint a lot faster with throw away brushes (not worrying about jabbing paint at the model as I might do with my €12 W&N brush!)

I also used a good deal of army painter quickshades on these as I don't like the new recipe GW washes and trying to move away from relying on their stuff for painting. I also tried to stick to using under 12 paints for the whole unit (Though the basing colours might have pushed me over this limit!)

Though these models are from the round base GW MESBG, I've used Square bases for use with mass battle rule sets rather than MESBG itself. I'm really not worried about any issues arising about 'incorrect' basing for use with MESBG rules as I only play at home with a very select group of people. We'll most likely be playing oathmark, though I am planning on putting together my own 1st age mass battle rules. I also recently picked up the war of the ring rules (the old mass battle rules for MESBG) which we might try in the future.

These models are really good fun to paint, except for their hair which at times feels like it was only half sculpted on. Had to improvised with some jagged painting to get hairlines looking natural. Half of them have the 'Devin Townsend skullet' (will have to paint a 'Strapping Young Gobbo' in batch number 2!)
